Innovates your Parquet Production


Trennlinie schwarz
Parketthobel 120

Solid Parquet Blocks

The production line for solid parquet blocks with T&G and lamparquet as well as top layer blocks.

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Teaser Deckschicht-Leisten

Top Layer Lamellas

The machining line for the production of the top layer lamellas.

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Teaser Profilierung

Finish Profiling

Profiling is the final step of the complete production process and determines the product properties.

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Teaser Mosaikparkett


Production of the mosaic parquet slats or fingers should be made on the prooven SCHROEDER manufacturing line, consisting of three main production machines.

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Teaser Trag -und Mittellagen

Base- & Core Layer

The production of the single slats for the base layer is based on our production line for mosaic parquet slats.

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Teaser 2-Schicht Parkettstäbe

2 Ply-Parquet Blocks

Following the ecological trends of the last decades also the flooring market has turned to more "natural" materials.

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Innovates Your Parquet Production

Innovates Your Parquet Production

Innovates Your Parquet Production